First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palos Verdes Peninsula, California


Our lay readers are elected by the membership of the branch church to read the weekly Bible lessons. In preparation for the election of our Readers, here are several articles for our members to read and think about. Click on the links to read the full articles.
Inspired Readers and hearers
By David M. Wilson
From the January 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal
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The goal of each Reader in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, might well be to make the reading so inspiring that the hearers' hearts burn within them as they glimpse the healing power of the Christ, Truth, in a fresh light. The reading at our church services can joyfully bear witness to Jesus' words according to Matthew, "It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you."
Readers of Branch Churches
By Archibald McLellan
From the May 13, 1911 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
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"Christian Scientists, in these early days of denominational growth and expansion, should realize that the call, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." may come to them at any moment, and they should be prepared for it. No matter how small in membership a church may be, nor how limited the experience of its members in public affairs, it should have within itself material for all its needs. For the same reason that Christian Scientists should be ever ready to heal the sick, they should be ever ready to preach the gospel. Neither can be properly done without earnest preparation and diligent study. Those without training for public work of this character, should know that it is never too late to acquire the necessary preparation.
Readers in Christian Science Churches
By Albert F. Gilmore
From the December 2, 1922 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
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Our Leader has left no doubt as to the importance she attached to the duties of Reader, and, consequently, she safeguarded the office by many wise provisions. Of the qualifications for positions in Churches of Christ, Scientist, she spoke with definiteness. In Science and Health, under the marginal heading, "The trust of the All-wise," she says (p. 455): "God selects for the highest service one who has grown into such a fitness for it as renders any abuse of the mission an impossibility. The All-wise does not bestow His highest trusts upon the unworthy. When He commissions a messenger, it is one who is spiritually near Himself." May we not conclude that Mrs. Eddy regarded the selection of Readers and others to fill important church offices as purely problems of demonstration on the part of church members, whereby God's bestowal would be made manifest? Obviously, into such choice, based solely upon spiritual qualities, there should enter no element of personal popularity or mere friendship. The "Rule for Motives and Acts" (Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 1) is a perfect guide to right action in this situation. How completely would the high standard set by Mrs. Eddy be defeated by "campaigning" for the election of Readers in branch churches! But, relying wholly upon the manifestation of divine Mind in the exemplification of God's government of His universe, Christian Scientists wisely leave this important selection with divine Principle, assured that the one spiritually best fitted—that is, nearest to Himself—will be chosen, providing the members are thinking rightly.
Do you feel God's love?
By Barbara M. Vining
From the February 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal
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I have found that when I make time for myself daily to feel God's love for me, it becomes quite natural to respond to others with that love even in the midst of the most demanding moments of my days. And isn't that the most unselfish reason for wanting to feel God's love —so that others, whose lives we touch, will also feel it? When letting God's love be felt becomes the primary desire behind what we think and do, the immediacy of His love cuts right through the supposed time restraints of mortal belief and proves them to be invalid. And when our needs, and the needs of others, are met through the reflection of divine Love, our feeling of being loved by God increases. We think less about how much we can or cannot accomplish in a certain amount of time. We think more of how God can help us to help one another.
Readers in Christian Science Churches
By Allene E. Thornburgh
From the May 1948 issue of The Christian Science Journal
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In specifying spirituality as the all-important qualification for the Readership, Mrs. Eddy lifts the function of this high office from the realm of the human to the divine. Spirituality is a divine quality of thought, which emanates from Truth and is unobstructed and uncontaminated by material sense. It is the pure, unselfed thought which elevates accomplishment from the level of a personal achievement to the evidence of divine activity; it is the humble, Christlike spirit which deflates self to serve God, the spiritual conviction of Truth which overwhelms human inadequacies with divine abilities.
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