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Lectures and Events
All are Welcome!  Free talk on Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 2:00 pm
FREELY OF OURSELVES and what we all gain

When we feel overwhelmed by life’s problems, we may want to try to get more from the world. But when we do the opposite–give more of ourselves or focus on the God-given qualities we already have to express or contribute, we find that we end up not lacking anything. Really, we gain the unexpected good of joy, health, and strength that move our lives and the world forward.  


Our speaker Melanie Wahlberg, CS says "In discovering more of God's universally loving nature, we naturally give more of ourselves.  This unexpected way forward lifts everyone."



Melanie Wahlberg, CS, is a Christian Science practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal, and a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.


Read Ms. Wahlberg's' biography and listen to her brief message on finding inspiration by visiting her web site here. 

This lecture will be held in person at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palos Verdes Peninsula at:

3888 Via Campesina

Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274

Cross streets: Palos Verdes Drive North & Via Cmpesina
(1.5 miles northwest of Crenshaw Blvd. on PV Drive North)

Directions (Interactive Map)


For questions please contact our Reading Room or leave a message for the church at  (310) 375-7914.  

Sponsored by: First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palos Verdes Peninsula


Past Events and recordings

Thanksgiving Day Service: All are Welcome!


Our annual Thanksgiving Service fo 2021 will be held at church, with audio dial-in available, on Thursday November 23 at
10:00 AM Pacific Time.  All are welcome to join us in person,
or to connect by zoom or phone to listen remotely.   

Please click here for audio-only or additional instructions (Thanksgiving remote participants will be in listen-only mode)

Online with a web browser or "zoom" application: 


All are warmly invited to share in this service of gratitude and hope!  A Bible Lesson on the subject of Thanksgiving will be read, followed by an opportunity to share thanks. 


You can also download and read the Thanksgiving Bible Lesson online at your convenience in advance (click here).


Questions?  Please contact the church or Reading Room


View / Download printable flyer


 . . Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!


From I Chronicles 16:10 (KJV)
Thanksgiving Bible Lesson 2023


Recent Lecture:  Humility - "that overcomes the world"

There is a great need for healing in the world today, and Christlike humility can help us meet that demand.”  Mark McCurties


Thanks to our speaker Mr. Mark McCurties and to all who joined us in person to hear his inspirational message on  October 15, 2023 hosted by our church and co-sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Hermosa Beach,  


Watch Online Now!  if you missed the talk or would like to hear more on the topic, an on-demand video replay of Mr. McCurties sharing this message at another church is available online here:


Our speaker, Mr. Mark McCurties is a Christian Science practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal, and a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

Read Mr. McCurties' biography and more about the topic of this lecture by visiting his web site

From Mr. McCurties' web site:
One of the central themes of Christ Jesus’ ministry was to teach and show that the power of God’s love can help us to overcome the various injustices that we face in the world. In fact, Jesus fully proved the power of God’s might. He healed all kinds of disease, transformed the worst types of behavior, he stopped violent acts from occurring, and he forgave his enemies in order to save them, proving hatred to be powerless in the face of divine Love. Ultimately, Jesus showed that the power of God’s love doesn’t just help us to cope with the ills of the world; it helps us to conquer them.


In this lecture, we will discuss how learning to follow the example of Christ Jesus, particularly his profound display of humility, can empower each one of us to heal and to overcome the hard problems that we face. We will discuss what true humility is, how it links us to God, and by extension, how it connects us with God’s healing and saving laws. There is great need for healing in the world today, and Christ-like humility can help us to meet that demand.


Please visit for the latest news about free talks on spirituality and healing, or about other events hosted by churches in the Southern California area.  Check back for news on the next local lecture hosted by this church.

Explore more topics on spirituality and Christian Science prayer with free talks available online here: 
more online talks from the Board of Lectureship

Listen online to articles and podcasts with the Sentinel audio chat.

Thanksgiving Day Service: All are Welcome


Our annual Thanksgiving Service fo 2021 will be held at church, with audio dial-in available, on Thursday November 25 at 10:00 AM Pacific.  All are welcome to join us in person, or to connect by zoom or phone to listen remotely.   


All are warmly invited to share in this service of gratitude and hope!  A Bible Lesson on the subject of Thanksgiving will be read, followed by an opportunity to share thanks. 


You can also download and read the Thanksgiving Bible Lesson online at your convenience in advance (click here).


Questions?  Please contact the church or Reading Room

If you missed a recent lecture sponsored by our church, audio or video is below for selected events.
Free lectures from other Christian Science churches are also available for replay on youtube at the links above.
"Finding Joy, Health, Hope for All"

Free web lecture by Mr. Steven Salt, CSB.



A video recording of Mr. Salt's in-person lecture on this topic, provided by First Church or Christ, Scientist, Cleveland, is available online here.

Mr. Steven Salt is a Christian Science practitioner and teacher from St. Louis, Missouri.  He is listed  as a practitioner in The Christian Science Journal, and a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

The lecture was hosted jointly by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA, and the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Fullerton CA.  

Special Event Replay
Learn how prayer, based on a spiritual understanding of God’s infinite Love, can heal.

Watch a recorded version or an in-person special event "Spiritual Adventure" 
with Nate Frederick on YouTube here or by scanning the QR code below.

Thumbnail Frederick A spiritual adventure Youtube.jpg
Original online lecture hosted online:
PRAYER and WELL-BEINGAddressing fears and contagion

For many people, a spiritual practice is not something abstract; it’s a way to ground oneself in Love against tides of fear and uncertainty. The Christian Science perspective on prayer can help anyone find genuine relief from fear, and experience whole-person healing.


In this talk, Nate addresses the how-to of effective prayer, as well as concerns and questions related to the current pandemic.

Sponsored by:
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palos Verdes Peninsula
Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Angeles
About the Speaker

Nate Frederick is an international speaker, practitioner of Christian Science healing, and a lecturer, dedicated to helping people find healing  through enlightened, Christ-like thought and action.  Some of his experiences with healing have been published in Christian Science Sentinel and Journal, such as this recorded audio chat you can listen to online:
"Can a 'miracle' really occur?'


Nate also originated a program of two minute inspirational messages called the Daily Lift, available for anyone to listen to or subscribe, with contributions from people throughout the world.  You can hear his Daily Lift on "Riding Tandem" by visiting his web site.

Sunday March 10, 2019:  "A new view of GOD and its effect on well-being"

We are grateful for the talk about "A new view of GOD and its effect on well-being", by Mr. Phillip Hockley, an international speaker and practitioner of Christian Science healing and a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.  Mr. Hockley spoke to a packed audience at our church on March 10, 2019, after sharing his lecture three times on March 9th with inmates at local correctional institutions. 


NEW!  A Video Lecture on Youtube is available here,
recorded when Mr. Hockley presented this topic for another
audience in November 2019. 





You can learn more about Mr. Hockley and view his calendar of future lectures on his profile page at

"Christian Science gave me a new view of God that I’d not had before: a view of God as Love itself, divine Love that loved me fully.  I also discovered that this loving God was not the source of my troubles (which were many) but the solution to them. My life began to improve quickly after that and I became a healthy man after many years of suffering."   Phillip Hockley, CS.
Sunday March 4, 2018 :  "Time is not a factor in your life"

On March 4th, 2018 our church hosted a free public talk by Mr. David Hohle, CSB, of Chicago, Illinois. The lecture, entitled “Time is not a factor in your life” presented valuable ideas for all.  Thank you to all who participated!  The suggested reading list that Mr. Hohle recommended is available with many other resources on his web site here.  


REPLAY on-demand: A recording from another lecture on this topic is available here or by scanning the QR code below.


Mr. David Hohle is a Christian Science practitioner and teacher listed in The Christian Science Journal, and a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. (2018)
Visit his web site for more thoughts on "A Spiritual View" as well as information on his background, activities, and links to inspirational articles.


Sunday January 22, 2017:  "Christian Science - What it is and how it heals"

On January 22, 2017 our church hosted a free public talk by Michelle Nanouche, CSB o on “Christian Science - What It Is and How it Heals” 

The challenging problems we face today demand a fresh approach to solutions. We can no longer afford to overlook or sweep aside spirituality as key to making real progress on the questions that relate to life and health. International speaker Michelle Nanouche says, “Through honest talk about the questions skeptics ask, I give a one hour talk that tackles the essentials of Christian Science – its theology, its Christianity and its relevance today.”  Nanouche explores a variety of questions, including “Isn't healing a question of purely physical factors based on a patient's biology and genetic make-up, then applying drugs and surgery to correct it?” “Does prayer still have a role in healing in light of modern medical advancements?” “Are we just talking about positive thinking or is there something more to Christian Science?” “How is Christian Science considered scientific when it excludes matter and material methods in its approach to healing?” and “Is it safe?”


Nanouche offerred compelling examples – including a crippling leg injury – from her professional practice of healing to illustrate the “how to” of Christian Science treatment. Her ideas are based on the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, and as discussed in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science.


Watch Online: This lecture was not recorded, however you can view a replay on-demand on the topic of "Finding God, Finding Health" by Ms. Nanouche on YouTube here, or by scanning the QR code below.


Michelle Nanouche is a Christian Science practitioner and teacher listed in The Christian Science Journal, and a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.  She trained and practiced as a Christian Science Nurse for 10 years before changing her focus from nursing care to the practice of Christian Science healing. She brings over 30 years of professional healing experience to her work as a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science. She has lectured on the subject of prayer and health throughout the US, Africa and Europe and was the contact person for information on Christian Science to public authorities, the legislature and the media for several years in New Jersey, USA.

Interview with Nate Frederick

The following interview by Jeff Johnson with our lecturer, Nate Frederick, is from the LAWeekly magazine in June, 2020, reprinted with permission,

JEFF: Hi Nate. So, your talk is going to share a “Christian Science” perspective. Can you clear the air a bit on that phrase? There are many misconceptions.

NATE: Absolutely. First, it’s not Scientology. I know many Californians have made that mistake. I’m not a scholar of Scientology, so I won’t try to explain their faith.

    Christian Science, however, is a spiritual “Science” that’s laser-focused on one thing: learning to heal by gaining the mindset of Jesus. Christian Science churches are, in a sense, centers for spiritual learning. But Christian Science isn’t confined to the walls of a church in the same way that biology is not confined to walls of a scientific institute.

    And if you take the phrase itself, the word “Christian” evokes a savior. The word “Science” is about knowledge. So, you couple these terms together and you get the knowledge—or the knowing—that saves us from life-errors and brings health and freedom. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32) and Christian Science shows us how to make that statement practical in everyday life.


JEFF: Now, you didn’t grow up in Christian Science. How did you first come across it?

NATE: My mom was kind of church shopping when I was young, so I got to attend several different Christian churches that all had their own spin. In my teenage years, I drifted away from Christianity and became interested in non-dogmatic spirituality through meditation techniques and other Eastern approaches. I was so fascinated with spiritual experience that I studied religion in college with a focus on “perennial philosophy.” I was looking for the universal principles behind spiritual experience. I wasn’t expecting to find any one particular religion to be the end-all for me. But my whole life changed when I read Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the textbook of Christian Science, written by Mary Baker Eddy..

    After reading Science and Health, a cascade of healing followed: a long-standing shoulder injury from my youth disappeared, my dad gave up alcohol after years of trying everything and failing, and a chronically ill woman who I did personal care work for was up out of her bed taking dance and art classes in a matter of months. I believe that all of those healings were a direct result of Christian Science prayer.


JEFF: And do you think it’s possible to heal contagion through prayer too? I know that’s on many people’s minds right now.

NATE: Absolutely! I’ve seen it many times. In fact, I’ve heard from several people that flu or Covid-19-like symptoms have disappeared recently while listening to one of my lectures or other Christian Science publications online. In fact, I had an experience myself with flu-like symptoms at the beginning of the Covid outbreak. After a night of prayer, the symptoms— beginning with the fear—disappeared and never returned.

    The discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, had a lot to say on the topic of contagion. In fact, her article Contagion (which has been recently translated in many languages on has this line in the first paragraph: “Floating with the popular current of mortal thought without questioning the reliability of its conclusions, we do what others do, believe what others believe, and say what others say” (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 228). In the lecture, I will question a lot of the materialistic assumptions that we’ve been inculcated in since birth. I’ll talk about the spiritual perspective that Jesus had and how it can untether us from any limiting beliefs about physicality governing us. This wholly spiritual perspective can reliably release us from fear and negative sensations in the body.


JEFF: I love recalling how Jesus healed many forms of contagious disease and also said that everyday people who followed his teachings could do the things that he did—and even greater.

NATE: Exactly. Jesus healed contagious diseases, including the most feared disease of his day which was leprosy. Mary Baker Eddy, following in Jesus’ footsteps, was recorded healing many forms of contagious disease, including diphtheria, tuberculous and membranous croup.

    In the lecture, I’m going to talk about two points that are often absent in the public conversation about contagion. Firstly, the mental nature of contagion. And secondly, how a spiritual mindset can not only mitigate the effects of contagious disease, but can actually prevent and heal them.

    To that first point, it’s easy to yawn when others yawn, cry when others cry, laugh when others laugh. It’s easy to be moved to experience the beliefs and sensations of others—good or bad—unless we defend ourselves mentally from other’s beliefs. I think this is commonly accepted, but I think this truth runs much deeper than we assume.

    I was once called to visit a man dying in a hospital from what the doctors and family believed to be demonic possession. He lived halfway around the world in a culture that believed in demonic possession as much as the current western mind believes in the inevitable effects of certain drugs. I didn’t buy into the contagious narrative that everyone was believing about this man because I don’t believe in the reality of demons, even though they are experienced as real as anything else in some cultures. I think of demons—and other unGodlike beliefs—as errors analogous to mathematical errors like 2+2=3. Obviously, you could see and experience an error like that just like you could represent a truth about math. But the error actually has no cause, origin or “God.”

    In this case, I rejected this man’s belief of demonic possession as an erroneous belief made manifest on the body. I prayed from the basis that this man was God’s image and likeness as it states right at the beginning of the Bible. And I held mentally to a God-like conception of his identity until I was filled with wholly spiritual sensations of peace and love. Well, that man recovered shortly after that prayer in a way that appeared miraculous to onlookers. But it was a divinely natural experience that was profoundly logical to me.
I will share this account more in depth in the talk.


JEFF: That’s beautiful, Nate. Let’s pivot to talk a little bit about what’s in the news. We hear a lot from our political leaders about how they are going to follow “the science” in making decisions regarding this pandemic.  Can you explain more about how Christian Science differs from “the science” they are referring to?



NATE: (continued...)

    Just think of it, I can say “go” to my body and the whole entire body runs forward. I can have a thought and then my mouth and hands will instantly move to express it. The arrow of causation is from thought to experience. Often we think the opposite—that matter or the body governs us. But that false belief cripples people. If we submit mentally to being subject to matter’s apparently inevitable laws of chance, decay and death, then fear and dis-ease are the natural result. Thankfully, Christian Science shows us how to align our thought with God, the divine Mind, and by doing so find freedom—exemption—from fear and disease. And that’s not all. As we learn to think out from God, divine Love, we can experience the most holy and wholesome states of mind. We can discover what the Bible calls “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding…” (Phil. 4:7).

    Once you experience true Consciousness and its effects, material beliefs about physicality governing us can lose their hold. And a harmony of mind and body can ensue that I don’t think is achievable by any pill or material method.

    All that said, Christian Scientists strive to be the most law-abiding, loving citizens on earth. So, they vaccinate whenever it is required by law, and put the safety and peace of their communities before personal concerns.


JEFF: Now, what about those that are unemployed right now?  Can Christian Science help them too?

NATE: Of course! We are always employed by God to express His/Her nature. One of the things that Christian Science helps people obtain is a deeper, more thorough understanding of God or Life. There’s a line in Science and Health that says, “It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony” (S&H, p.390). If we’re unemployed or simply feel underutilized, as we focus on a beautiful and right understanding of Life and then express it, new opportunities to be valued naturally arise. There have been so many times in my life where I’ve experienced economic loss. But after praying about there being no loss or death in God, infinite Life—and striving to express a right sense of Life—amazing opportunities arose.

    For example, after college, I went on a coming-of-age, around-the-world trip. I was learning many new skills on my trip and growing in my expression of spiritual qualities. But there came a period when I was basically down to my last penny and the car I was expecting to inherit fell through. Well, I prayed knowing that God was my source, supplying all good to his beloved child. I developed a deep expectation—an absolute faith—that progress is the law of God. Then, I got a call out of the blue from someone who offered me a dream car, and the opportunity to put some of my recently acquired skills to work as I worked to pay off the car.

    If that was a one-off experience, I’d brush it aside. But I could tell you stories like this all day, and you’ll likely hear many more accounts along the same line if you attend Wednesday night Christian Science testimony services. That’s what I did when I first found Christian Science, and they regularly were the highlight of my week.


JEFF: That’s really great, Nate. Lastly, let’s touch on another sober note. With the death of George Floyd, the US—and much of the world—has been protesting for equal rights and justice for black people and for police reform. Do you have anything to share about that?

NATE: Sure. My heart goes out to anyone who has faced the horrors of racism in their life. That has got to end. And it’s mighty inspiring to see so many around the world standing up and saying, “No more!”

    Now, Christian Science is not political in nature and the church does not take definitive political stands. The church honors individual thought and our ability to work on these matters in our own hearts and lives. But Christian Science includes that protest spirit against injustice of all kinds. Mary Baker Eddy spoke out against the atrocities of slavery early in her life. And later, after discovering Christian Science, she wrote this: “I saw before me the sick, wearing out years of servitude to an unreal master in the belief that the body governed them, rather than Mind. The lame, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the sick, the sensual, the sinner, I wished to save from the slavery of their own beliefs …” (S&H, p.226).

    She saw the greatest injustice that the world faces is not simply an unjust system of human rules, but false beliefs held in individual consciousness. And when we begin with ourselves, and actually rid ourselves of racism, discrimination and limiting beliefs within, we can begin to love in an intelligent way that brings lasting solutions to the surface.

    Jesus lived in a world where the Roman empire had overcome many great civilizations and the Jews were under Roman occupation. Just imagine if China or Russia was in control of the US. Finding freedom from that political power would be the main objective of Americans. But Jesus saw things differently. He didn’t primarily speak out against the Roman government. Much more often he spoke about a kingdom (or government) of God within. He taught people how to allow divine Love to govern their minds, then how to live in line with universal Love. I think this approach has been time-tested and remains vital for our enduring happiness and health.

    I’ve seen instances of racism healed in my individual practice of Christian Science. And they came as a result of praying like Jesus did. As Science and Health notes, “[Jesus’] humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of Truth, — of man’s likeness to God and of man’s unity with Truth and Love” (S&H, p.12).


JEFF: Well, thanks so much for talking a little bit about this, Nate. I hope everyone can join “Prayer and Well-being: Addressing Fears and Contagion.” Again, it will be live-streamed on YouTube on June 19th at 7:30pm PT. Join with the link below:  You can submit questions for the Q&A during the talk.

NATE: Thanks so much, Jeff. I’m looking forward to it (smiles).

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